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Less Face Oil Light

Less Face Oil Light

600 drops (25 ml)

Regular price 65 €
Regular price Sale price 65 €
Unit price 2.600 €  per  l
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  • Restores the skin's natural balance
  • Mattifies the complexion
  • Free worldwide shipping

Luxury in Simplicity

Less Face Oil Light is a uniquely pure skin care, specifically designed for normal, combination and oily skin. It has the highest skin compatibility of any skin care product. For naturally balanced, matte and beautiful skin.


Combination and oily skin are often treated with products that dry out the skin. However, this stimulates the skin to produce even more sebum. The special composition of anti-inflammatory, nourishing and moisturising plant oils in Less Face Oil Light nourishes the skin in a way that it gradually reduces its own sebum production and naturally regains its balance. The skin is soothed, mattified and the complexion is refined. For soft and beautiful skin.


  1. Moisten the face with water. For an optimal experience, apply the Less Face Oil during a warm shower or after prepping the skin with a warm, damp washcloth.
  2. Dispense a pipette of Less Face Oil into your palms.
  3. Massage Less Face Oil into the dampened face. Re-moisten with water, then let water and oil absorb naturally.


Jojoba oil, apricot kernel oil, grape seed oil, hemp seed oil

All ingredients are certified organic and sourced from the world's best oil mills.


Continuity is the key to successful skincare. With the Less Face Oil Subscription, you ensure a seamless skincare routine and save 15% - forever! All subscriptions come with free shipping and can be canceled after just two deliveries.

Before each new shipment, you will receive an email with a link to adjust the shipping date if needed.

Subscribe to your Less Face Oil now and secure a permanent 15% discount before the terms change!


How long does a Less Face Oil last?
The Less Face Oil is highly efficient, containing 600 drops of concentrated skincare essence. Depending on individual needs, 5–10 drops per application are sufficient. With daily use, this translates to a lasting supply of 2 to 4 months.

Is Less available in retail stores?
Our skincare products are of utmost freshness and quality. For this reason, we sell them exclusively directly to our customers.

Is Less suitable for Rosacea-prone skin?
The exact causes of Rosacea are not fully understood. However, it is a fact that Rosacea-prone skin is highly sensitive to any irritation and should be treated with gentle, irritation-free cleansing and care. In this regard, the Less products are ideal, as they contain no additives, offering a globally unparalleled skin compatibility.

I am unsure of my skin type. Which Less Face Oil should I use?
If you are uncertain about your skin type, we recommend choosing the Less Face Oil Light (for normal, combination, and oily skin). This lighter product is suitable for all skin types. The Less Face Oil Plus is deeply nourishing and specifically designed for dry and damaged skin.

Do you offer samples of the Less Face Oils?
Samples need to be produced in large quantities and are thus mainly provided for heavily-preserved products, such as moisturizers or other creams. Since we adhere to a strict no-preservatives approach at Less, we do not offer samples of the Less Face Oils.

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  • Other skincare products

  • Less Face Oil Light

  • Less Gala Spa Awards
  • Less Wallpaper Design Awards
  • Less Dezeen Awards


Lyn Harris

Founder of Perfumer H, London

"What immediately struck me about Less was how different it was: how simple, true and honest. And it makes so much sense: why am I putting cream after cream on my skin to not see much of a difference except a very shiny face? So I tried Less to find after a month using my skin felt balanced, normal and content for the first time since I was a young girl.

I had been using eye cream for 30 years and it made no difference, I still had dark circles under my eyes. After using Less for a month, the dark circles were gone. I couldn't believe it. My skin feels wonderful and radiant, my pores are clean and I feel more balanced and less cluttered. I love the Less Cleansing Clay and the Less Face Oil, I think they are genius.”

Ilse Cornelissens

Founder of Graanmarkt 13, Antwerp

"What immediately caught my attention was something that Dr David Scherf, the founder of Less, had said: 'The people with the best skin are usually the people who use the fewest products.' After putting some thought into it, I realized: That is really true!

Since using Less, I feel that my skin has gained some kind of natural glow. I use the Less Face Oil every day and I use the Less Cleansing Clay once or twice a week. On the days when I combine the clay with the oil, my skin looks like I just came out of a spa treatment, I really love it!"

Miwa Ogasawara

Artist, Hamburg/Kyoto

"My first touch point with Less was the packaging. It was so different: so calm, sensual, without a logo, without promises, without plastic. I had never seen such a reduction and purity in skin care before.

Every morning and evening I take a little bit of the Less Cleansing Clay to cleanse my face. I then use the Less Face Oil with lots of water. In Japan, rituals are given much attention and joy. It is about taking time and consciously experiencing every action, every detail. Less is a daily source of peace and joy for me."

Anna Neugebauer

Hair and Makeup Artist, Berlin/London

"The skin is our largest organ. But in today's world of consumption, our skin is usually "over-consumed" by all the many different products advertised by the major cosmetics companies. What makes Less different from all other skincare brands is that it is not aimed at the customer consuming as much as possible, but as little as possible. Less is also the only skincare brand I know that is completely additive-free. This reduction and purity is very dear to me.

I love the Less Face Oil—it provides everything the skin needs and also has a natural matting effect. The skin becomes smoother and the skin texture is refined. The better the skin, the less make-up is needed."

Customer Reviews

Based on 68 reviews

Love this , it makes my routine so much simpler too !

Barbara Lehmann Spring
puristische Hautpflege

Die Einfachheit gepaart mit der Qualität macht sowohl das Oel wie auch die Erde zu einem wunderbaren Pflegeerlebnis. Ich bin Allergikerin und leide ab und zu an Neurodermitis. Seit ich less benutze, ist meine Gesichtshaut fast normal geworden. Es ist auch die erste Pflege welche eine Wirkung bei den Augenpartien zeigt.

jobst mahrenholz

Ich habe zuvor Baukastensysteme ausprobiert, von Hautärzten zusammengestellt, die auf meinen Hauttyp abgestimmt worden sind. Ich fühlte mich damit eher 'zutapeziert', statt gepflegt. Auch mein Hautbild gefiel mir nicht.
Ich bin 60 Jahre alt, männlich, und mein Ziel ist es, eine Haut zu haben, die so entspannt aussieht, wie sie sich anfühlt.
Ganz genau das bewikt Less bei mir.
Ein total schönes Gefühl.

Claudia B.
Love, love, love it

It’s so easy to use. I’ve noticed that the regular face oil didn’t give me what my skin needed during the winter months. So I switched to the plus oil for the colder days and it’s wonderful (I’m 56). During the summertime I’ll probably use the lighter oil again. Once a week the mask and that’s it!! My pores are noticeably smaller and my skin looks better than ever. So glad Less crossed my path. Would like a Less scrub though, just to use all products from the same (awesome!) brand.

Christina Rohde
Super Gesichts Öl

Das Produkt ist sehr ergiebig und meine Haut fühlt sich super befeuchtet und genährt an! Nicht genug fibde ich es auch suuuper praktisch! Ein Produkt, eelches man sogar schon in der Dusche auftragen kann-einfacher und praktischer kann Hautpflege nicht sein!
Ich liebe es!!!!!

Katharina W.

Normalerweise gebe ich keine Bewertungen ab, heute muss es unbedingt sein. Ich bin 53 Jahre alt und habe seit 20 Jahren immer wieder Schübe von Rosezea. Auch aktuell war das der Fall, so dass ich nochmals meine Pflege umstellen wollte, obwohl auch das zu weiteren Reizungen führen kann. Meine Haut befindet sich mittlerweile im Stadium II, was mit Knötchen und vergrößerten Poren einher geht. Ich habe das Face Oil Light am Samstag letzter Woche erhalten. Gleich die erste Anwendung war eine Offenbarung. Jetzt nach knapp einer Woche...Miniporen, alle Rötungen abgeklungen...ein ganz klares Hautbild. DAAANKE. Es gibt aktuell noch zwei Stellen, wo sich die Haut leicht schuppt, eventuell reicht das Light-Produkt noch nicht ganz aus...ich warte aber noch etwas, immerhin, es ist die erste Woche. Ich bin sehr gespannt auf eure weiteren Produkte, eins nach dem anderen. Nochmals meinen herzlichsten Dank!


If you conduct a healthy lifestyle (nutrition, sleep and exercise) and you use Less, I don’t think there is many more other natural options to have your best skin. On top of it the company seems to be managed like its convincing product: To the point. I highly recommend to give it a go.

Less is more…

Less hat meiner Haut geholfen wieder die Balance zu finden! Meine Haut war gestresst und unruhig… durch das Gesichtsöl von Less, hat sich das Erscheinungsbild extrem verbessert. Das Gesicht ist nachhaltig beruhigt, genährt und hat einen gesunden Glow. Ich komme immer wieder zurück zu meinem Lieblingsprodukt… das Gesichtsöl von Less.